

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Laura Belcher

Welcome to Mrs. Belcher’s Class!  I began teaching in Rock Hill School district in 1997.  I started as a 5th grade teacher at Belleview Elementary School.  After nine years at Belleview, I moved to Oakdale, which has been my home ever since.  I taught 5th grade for 4 more years at Oakdale, then I moved to 4th grade, where I have happily taught ever since. I love teaching upper elementary students because of their amazing personalities and humor. They challenge me daily with their inquisitive minds, and I love seeing how much they grow and change during the year.

I am originally from Spartanburg, SC. After attending Winthrop University, where I earned a B.A. in Speech and a B.S. in Early Childhood Education, I decided to make Rock Hill my home. After teaching for a few years, I completed my M.Ed.  in Middle Level Education.  

A few random facts about me: I love hanging out with my family, working in my flower garden, reading, playing with my cats, and Coke Zero. I also like to sing and watch Netflix and Hulu. Most importantly- I love teaching.  I cannot imagine doing anything else. 
