

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Mary Freeman

My name is Mary Freeman and I am the Literacy Coach at Independence Elementary. I am a Florida native but have been in Rock Hill since college.  I have both my undergraduate and graduate degrees from Winthrop University, Go EAGLES.  I have taught 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades, as well as Reading Recovery.  I have a long-time love of literacy, and I am an avid reader. I am beginning my 27th year of teaching.

My husband of 26 years, Jason, and I have 2 boys.  Eric is a graduate of Northwestern High School and is currently living and working in sales in Chicago.  Porter is a SENIOR at Northwestern.  They are both have a love of pole vaulting, so we spend a lot of time at track meets.  I am their biggest fan and loudest cheerleader.

My family loves to travel and can’t wait for our next adventure.  We have been all over the United States, traveled to Europe, and the Caribbean.  We love the beach, the mountains, and college football!
