

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Stacey Myers

My name is Stacey Myers, and this is my fifteenth year at India Hook Elementary School.  I graduated from Winthrop University in 1993 with a degree in Business Administration.  I have two wonderful boys.  Nicholas, my 29 year-old, graduated in 2012 from South Point High School.  He currently works for Pike Electric as a lineman and has recently started his own business in landscape and concrete. He and Ashley have 2 beautiful girls. Harper Rose is the “Apple of Her Nana’s Eye”. (Nana.....that’s me!!!馃槉) She turned 2 in January. Boy does she keep me on my toes?!?!?! Nicholas’ stepdaughter, Kinsley, will be 6 in September.  She starts Kindergarten on August 1 in Union SC. We are so excited!! They are the most precious Granddaughters ever!!!! 鉂わ笍
My younger son, Nathan, will soon be 25. He graduated in 2017 from Northwestern High School and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University. He is in his second year of Grad School
pursuing a Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois.
I am very proud of the precious family that I am Blessed with.  
Although I earned a business degree at Winthrop, my true love has always been working with children.  I often wonder why I didn’t become a teacher. With that being said, I decided to become a teacher’s assistant, and I can honestly say that I love going to work every day. I have greatly enjoyed my summer break, but I am ready to start off the new year, well-rested and eager to teach. It is always wonderful to go back after the summer and see how much my “babies” from the last school year have grown. It is equally as wonderful to go back and meet my new “babies” that I will spend teaching and helping to mold for the next school year.  I am certain that the upcoming school year will be just as exciting as the last fourteen have been, because as I always say… “There is never a dull moment in Kindergarten, and those little ones teach me about as much as I teach them!”