

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Debbie May

Hi, I am Mrs. May. I grew up in Southern California and spent most of my summer days either on the beach or at Disneyland.  I have 4 children and 9 grandchildren. I love being a grandma. My husband was in the Air Force for 20 years, and so we have lived in a lot of different places, California, North Dakota, Texas, Idaho, and in Europe (Holland). Even though I grew up as a Southern California beach girl, I love living here in South Carolina. We moved to Rock Hill for my husband's work. I went back to school after my children were in school and graduated with my Bachelor's Degree and my Master’s Degree from Idaho State University. I went on to teach 3rd and 5th grade in Idaho. I love Northside and I love teaching here. Third grade is my favorite grade to teach. I love being part of the process as the students learn and understand something new. The sparkle in their eyes as they gain confidence in their abilities is priceless. I am grateful and humbled to be part of that and to have had an influence in the lives of my students. 
